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9000 kilometres of freight is no obstacle when quality is important

13 December 2022

Despite a distance of 9000 kilometres from DAN-doors' production in Stilling near Skanderborg to Hong Kong airport, DAN-doors has for a number of years supplied doors to the airport, which is a hub for the Chinese metropolis.

There are 9000 kilometres between DAN-doors and Hong Kong airport

The airport has just completed an upgrade, for which they have got more of DAN-doors' High Speed doors for their cold sections.

DAN-doors has been working with Hong Kong airport for many years and the airport knows and has good experience with DAN-doors' High Speed doors. It was therefore also natural to point to DAN-doors as the supplier for this upgrade, which consisted of High Speed doors for the airport's refrigeration and freezer rooms.

For the project, DAN-doors has supplied both highly insulated automatic stand-alone High Speed doors with 80 mm insulation and lightweight doors with a 4 mm canvas. The insulated doors are to be placed in a freezing room at -28°, and it was therefore an important parameter that the doors do not absorb moisture and can stand alone without freezing.

"When Hong Kong Airport orders their doors from DAN-doors, despite 9000 kilometres of transport, it's because they have high demands on their solutions and they know that DAN-doors' solutions can meet them," says project manager Kasper Boeriis.

"It is a requirement that the doors are robust and can withstand the impacts that occur in a busy airport. It's also a requirement that the doors have a lightning-fast opening speed, as things are moving fast. And freezer doors need to be well insulated, as some areas are as low as minus 28°, where it's important to minimise cold loss so energy bills don't get out of hand. Our doors meet all their requirements, which is why Hong Kong airport is a regular customer of ours, even though it's 9000 kilometres away."