Contact us
Are you left with questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want answers to your questions. We'll be happy to answer them as soon as possible.
Exportgatan 1A
422 46 Hisings Backa
+46 (0)10-129 18 30
Do you have any questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want answers to your questions. We'll be happy to answer them as soon as possible.
Industrivej 19
8660 Skanderborg
+45 87 93 87 00
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- Sales Norway
Peter Mooney
Production worker
Per Nielsen
Production worker
Ole Lajer Hvidtfelt
Production worker
Anders Moosdorf
Production worker
Michael Sønderskov Jacobsen
Production worker
Ulrik Hedegaard Rasmussen
Production worker
Erik Hougaard Rasmussen
Production worker
Nikolaj Laxi Johannsen
Production worker
Mads Bredahl Jensen
Production worker
Kim Kjøge Jensen
Production worker
Jimmy Damsgaard Sejr
Production worker
Torben Klærke Olesen
Production worker
Erdogan Topcu
Production worker
Morten Berg
Production worker
Tony Milo Mortensen
Production worker
Lars Pedersen
Production worker
Kasper Holm Christensen
Production worker
Leif Bach Mikkelsen
Production worker
Find an employee - Sweden
Nicklas Näsholm
Business Unit Manager
Direct: +46 10-129 18 31
Mobile: +46 737-149 271
Jessica Sjögren
Office and Project Coordinator
Direct: +46 10-129 18 34
Mobile: +46 737-149 364
Kim Gabrielsson
Service Manager Sweden
Direct: +46 10-129 18 35
Mobile: +46 737-149 365
Rikard Gjersvold
Service Manager Stockholm
Direct: +46 10-129 18 37
Mobile: +46 737-149 436
Lasse Konttinen
Direct: +46 10-129 18 36
Mobile: +46 737-149 404
Are you looking for someone in particular?
Not sure who to contact?
You are always welcome to call our main number +45 87 93 87 00 and we will guide you in the right direction.
We're also many experts who are happy to help you along the way. Find us all on this page.
Are you looking for someone in particular?
Not sure who to contact? You are always welcome to call our main number +45 87 93 87 00, where you will be guided in the right direction. We are also many experts who are happy to help you on your way. Find us all on this page.