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Ant-proof stainless steel door for the pharmaceutical industry

February 2, 2024

Special requirements require special solutions!

Here's a door. It's made of steel. And the story could end here.
But there's much more to this door than meets the eye:

The door is an ant-proof security door. Developed in close collaboration with one of our customers who requested a safe and reliable solution to keep ants and other small pests out of their pharmaceutical production, what you see in the picture is the result of a close collaboration between DAN-doors's development department and our customer.

There are several things that make this door special:

  • It is a security door that is intended to be used exclusively as an emergency exit. For example, in the event of a fire
  • The door functions as a hygiene door and is equipped with hygiene seals on the inside. The outside is equipped with a patented sealing system that effectively prevents ants and other small pests from entering the building.
  • It is made of very high quality stainless steel, and both the choice of materials and the robust construction mean that the door has a life expectancy of 50 years or more.

The customer is a high-profile player in the pharmaceutical industry, and a number of aesthetic choices were made to give the door an exclusive look that matches the rest of the building. On the outside, the door is clad in rain zinc and divided into sections that match the building's alignment in the facade panels - both to ensure discreet integration with the rest of the building.

Although the door is a little lonely here waiting to be shipped, it's actually part of a larger family of around 100 similar doors, and we're proud of the result we've created in collaboration with our customer.