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#MeetTheTeam - Erik

September 3, 2024

#MeetTheTeam - This is Erik making sure the sliding doors are fully equipped for their purpose.
Read along for a look behind the scenes...

Erik has been with DAN-doors for 16 years and we can't count how many sliding doors he has prepared.

When the doors go from door assembly to sealing, it's Erik's job to ensure that each door is prepared correctly with rails, handles, hinges, cables and all other details.

It's not as easy as you might think, as all components vary from door to door. Depending on the size and purpose of the door and customer preferences, doors are finished with different handles and operating options. The location of the hinges depends on the size and center of gravity of the door, and many solutions are customized solutions that require an understanding of how to ensure the longest possible lifetime of the door.

With 16 years of experience, Erik has an invaluable knowledge of our solutions, and he especially appreciates when tailor-made solutions end up on his desk. "It makes you think twice", as he says.

Outside of working hours, Erik looks after the horses, the garden and the land that belongs to the family property, and he has his feet firmly planted in the soil of Jutland.

We asked him a few quick questions:

Q: What superpower would you most like to have?
A: I would of course be superman 🙂 .

Q: If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?
A: Somewhere warm. And dry 😉. I wouldn't stay there for too long though - I'm fine where I am.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote or philosophy of life?
A: The little I do, I do well 😉.

Erik is always good for a friendly remark and his optimistic outlook on life is infectious. We are lucky to have him on our team and we look forward to his company for many years to come.