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New steel door for morgue in listed building produced with respect for history

5 April 2022

Stord Sjukehus was built in 1908, and although the hospital has been modernised and expanded over the last 114 years to keep up with the times, the original part of the building still stands (almost) as it did when it was first opened at the beginning of the 20th century. The building is still an integral part of the hospital, but is listed and therefore has special requirements when renovations are carried out.

The hospital's morgue is in the original 1908 building, so it caused a bit of a headache when it was discovered that the door to the morgue had become too narrow over the years for modern stretchers to pass through. It was necessary to replace the door with a wider one while complying with the formal requirements for renovating a listed building.

DAN-doors was commissioned to deliver a new door that was a faithful copy of the original door, only slightly wider. In addition, the original handle was to accompany the new door - both as a tribute to the hospital's history and to comply with the requirements of the listed building - and because it is a very special handle that deserves to be preserved for posterity.

The new door to the mortuary at Stord Sjukehus is now in use, and where the old door after more than 100 years of use showed signs of wear, the new door stands nice and sharp with the antique handle carefully repainted, renovated and lubricated, so it can easily last, even the next 114 years.